RHEINZINK is a high quality zinc alloy from 99,995 % fine zinc and portions of copper and titanium. RHEINZINK can be of 3 types: Natural VM ZINC®. In normal weather conditions the surface darkens to blue grey colour. Not only patina provides additional protection of the material, but also improves aesthetic qualities, which is maintenance-free. RHEINZINK is available as mill finish and as preweathered material. The preweathering have ex factory the optics of the zinc patina and is already available in two variants: RHEINZINK preweathered, blue-grey. RHEINZINK preweathered, slate-grey. The preweathering have ex factory the optics of the zinc patina. The process is patented by RHEINZINK. Although the external appearance is due to change as a result of environmental effects, the beneficial qualities remain: regardless of the surface processing type, the material is maintenance-free, the scratches darken in no time. All three types correspond to highest quality requirements for the material and are undergoing tests in accordance with the QUALITY ZINK Criteria Catalogue. Its products are durable, maintenance-free and not harmful. They are given a 30 years warranty period, the maximum under the law. It provides a sense of security.